→ How to register a payment for a Vendor Bill
To create a payment for an open vendor bill directly, you can click on Register a Payment at the top of the form.
From there, please select the payment method (i.e. Checking account, credit card, check, etc…) and the amount you wish to pay. By default, KIU will propose the entire remaining balance on the bill for payment. In the memo field, we recommend you set the vendor invoice number as a reference (KIU will auto fill this field from the vendor bill if set it correctly).
You can also register a payment to a vendor directly without applying it to a vendor bill. To do that, go to Purchases ‣ Payments. Then, from the vendor bill you will be able to reconcile this payment with directly.
→ How to register batch payments for Bills from a Vendor
You can pay multiple bills from a vendor in Accounting module. Go to Purchases ‣ Vendor bills. Make sure all bills come from the same vendor.
Insert the details of the payment. The system calculated the total amount for both bills, but you can modify it freely. Click on Validate.
→ How to register batch payments for Bills from different Vendors
In case of payment for different vendors, you select vendors that you would like to pay ‣ Actions ‣ Batch Payments ‣ Make payments.