1.2.2. How to access Contacts list

List of Customers:    

  • Option 1: Sales Module>> Orders >> Customers
  • Option 2: Accounting Module >> Customers >> Customers

List of Vendors:

  • Option 1: Purchases Module >> Purchase >> Purchase
  • Option 2: Accounting module >> Vendors >> Vendors

To view a complete list of contacts: unfiltered Vendors or unfiltered Customers.

1.2.1. Definitions

Can be individuals or organizations

Can be customers, suppliers, or employees (internal users).

1.1.3. Change the password

Option 1:

Admin users can change the password for themselves or for employees in the company by the following:

Go to the System module>> Users>> Users to access the list of all users.

Click to Actions > Select Change Password

Then click Change Password to directly change the password for this user. In the new window that appears, enter the password to change and then click Change Password to complete.

Or send for users to change their password themselves by clicking the Send reset password instructions

An automatic email will be sent to the user with the following content:

Option 2:

In addition, users can also automatically change the password by clicking on the Reset password box right at the login page.

1.1.2. How to create a user account & grant access right.

After setting up company information, it is necessary to set up users and permissions for each account. In the System module, select the User tab on the menu bar, choose Users (or you can also click on the line Manage access rights in the Information panel).

Here you can view all existing users in the system, create new users, and edit their permissions.

To create a new user:

Click Create, a sample table will appear as follows. Fill in the user’s basic information, including Name and email address

Go to the Access rights tab, scroll down to the Applications accesses to view and edit this user access for each module. Select the user’s access rights for each module.

Note, for the admin with the highest authority of the system, in the field of Administration, choose the permissions Settings. Only users with the Settings permission in this Administration field can access the System module to create, delete and change user permissions.

Please do not modify the OAUTH tag.

In the tab “Preferences” you can change the user’s language, time zone, and so on.

1.1.1. How to update company info

Before starting to use KIU BMP, it is necessary to set up basic company information

Go to System Module >  Users & Companies > Companies.

Click on the company available in the system to edit the information.

Edit and add pertinent company information (eg, name, slogan, contact address, logo, etc.). These information will be displayed in company documents such as quotes, sales orders, invoices, etc.

After finishing editing the information, click Save.