9.7.1. How to set expense types

The first step to track expenses is to configure the expense types (managed as products in Kiu BMP) that your company allows, from the Configuration menu. When a specific expense is reimbursed at a fixed price, set a cost on the product. Otherwise keep the cost at 0.0 and employees will report the real cost per expense.

Here are some examples to configure:

  • Restaurant:
    • Cost: 0.00 (the cost of the ticket will be recorded on every expense)
  • Travel with Personal Car:
    • Cost: 0.30 (the price per mile reimbursed by the company is fixed)
  • Hotel:
    • Cost: 0.00 (the cost of the ticket will be recorded on every expense)
  • Others:
    • Cost: 0.0

Don’t forget to set an expense tax on each expense type.