→ Manually
As an employee (Employee in user access rights), you can record expenses from My Expenses ‣ Expenses to Submit.
- Select the related product and enter either the total amount you paid (with Quantity = 1) or the unit price if Quantity is countable (e.g. number of hotel nights).
- Enter the expense date.
- Choose if you paid the bill on your own (and expect to be reimbursed) or if the company paid directly (e.g. if you used a company’s credit card).
- Set the bill reference, add some notes if requested and attach a photo/scan of the receipt from the discussion thread. That will help the manager and the accountant validate it.
→ In one click from emails
Let your employees record their expenses from a simple email. Make a snapshot of the receipt and send it by email, or simply forward a bill!
The only thing to do is setting up an email alias in Expenses ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings (e.g. expenses@mycompany.erp2.kiuglobal.com). For security purposes, only authenticated employee emails (cfr. Work Email in employee detail form) are accepted.
→ Submit expenses to managers
When you are ready to submit your expenses to your manager (e.g. at the end of a business trip, or once a month), go to the menu My Expenses ‣ Expenses to Submit. Select all expenses from the list view and click on Action ‣ Submit to Manager. Save the newly created expense report (i.e. set of expenses), and wait for your manager to approve it.