3. Sales – Table of Content

3.1. Regular Sale process
3.1.1. Create a quotation 
3.1.2. Create a sale order
3.1.3. Confirm delivery order
3.1.4. Create an invoice and register payment

3.2. Sales Reports

3.3. Send Quotation
3.3.1. Use quotation templates
3.3.2. Increase your sales with suggested products
3.3.3. Get paid to confirm an order
3.3.4. Deliver and invoice to different addresses

3.4. Invoicing method
3.4.1. Invoice based on delivered or ordered quantities
3.4.2. Request a down payment
3.4.3. Send a pro-forma invoice
3.4.4. Re-invoice expenses to customers
3.4.5. Sell subscriptions

3.5. Product & Prices
3.5.1. How to import Products with Categories and Variants
3.5.2. How to sell in foreign currencies
3.5.3. How to set default taxes
3.5.4. How to adapt taxes to my customer status or localization
3.5.5. How to set tax-included prices
3.5.6. How to manage prices for B2B (tax excluded) and B2C (tax included)?


3.4.5. Sell subscriptions

Selling subscription products will give you predictable revenue, making planning ahead much easier.

Make a subscription from a sales order

From the sales app, create a quotation to the desired customer, and select the subscription product your previously created.

When you confirm the sale the subscription will be created automatically. You will see a direct link from the sales order to the Subscription in the upper right corner.

3.4.4. Re-invoice expenses to customers

It often happens that your employees have to spend their personal money while working on a project for your client. Let’s take the example of an consultant paying an hotel to work on the site of your client. As a company, you would like to be able to invoice that expense to your client.

Expenses configuration

To track & invoice expenses, you will need the expenses app. Go to Apps ‣ Expenses to install it.

You should also activate the analytic accounts feature to link expenses to the sales order, to do so, go to Invoicing ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate Analytic Accounting.

Add expenses to your sales order

From the expense app, you or your consultant can create a new one, e.g. the hotel for the first week on the site of your customer.

You can then enter a relevant description and select an existing product or create a new one from right there.

Here, we are creating a Hotel product:

Under the invoicing tab, select Delivered quantities and either At cost or Sales price as well depending if you want to invoice the cost of your expense or a previously agreed on sales price.

To modify or create more products go to Expenses ‣ Configuration ‣ Expense products.

Back on the expense, add the original sale order in the expense to submit.

It can then be submitted to the manager, approved and finally posted.

It will then be in the sales order and ready to be invoiced.


3.4.3. Send a pro-forma invoice

A pro-forma invoice is an abridged or estimated invoice in advance of a delivery of goods. It notes the kind and quantity of goods, their value, and other important information such as weight and transportation charges. Pro-forma invoices are commonly used as preliminary invoices with a quotation, or for customs purposes in importation. They differ from a normal invoice in not being a demand or request for payment.

Activate the feature

Go to SALES ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the Pro-Forma Invoice feature.

Send a pro-forma invoice

From any quotation or sales order, you know have an option to send a pro-forma invoice.

When you click on send, KIU BMP will send an email with the pro-forma invoice in attachment.

3.4.2. Request a down payment

A down payment is an initial, partial payment, with the agreement that the rest will be paid later. For expensive orders or projects, it is a way to protect yourself and make sure your customer is serious.

First time you request a down payment

When you confirm a sale, you can create an invoice and select a down payment option. It can either be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total amount.

The first time you request a down payment you can select an income account and a tax setting that will be reused for next down payments.

You will then see the invoice for the down payment.

On the subsequent or final invoice, any prepayment made will be automatically deducted.

Modify the income account and customer taxes

From the products list, search for Down Payment.

You can then edit it, under the invoicing tab you will be able to change the income account & customer taxes.


3.4.1. Invoice based on delivered or ordered quantities

Depending on your business and what you sell, you have two options for invoicing:

  • Invoice on ordered quantity: invoice the full order as soon as the sales order is confirmed.
  • Invoice on delivered quantity: invoice on what you delivered even if it’s a partial delivery.

Invoice on ordered quantity is the default mode.

The benefits of using Invoice on delivered quantity depends on your type of business, when you sell material, liquids or food in large quantities the quantity might diverge a little bit and it is therefore better to invoice the actual delivered quantity.


You also have the ability to invoice manually, letting you control every options: invoice ready to invoice lines, invoice a percentage (advance), invoice a fixed advance.

Decide the policy on a product page

From any products page, under the invoicing tab you will find the invoicing policy and select the one you want.

Send the invoice

Once you confirm the sale, you can see your delivered and invoiced quantities.

If you set it in ordered quantities, you can invoice as soon as the sale is confirmed. If however you selected delivered quantities, you will first have to validate the delivery.

Once the products are delivered, you can invoice your customer. KIU BMP will automatically add the quantities to invoiced based on how many you delivered if you did a partial delivery.


3.3.5. Deliver and invoice to different ad dresses

In KIU BMP you can configure different addresses for delivery and invoicing. This is key, not everyone will have the same delivery location as their invoice location.

Activate the feature

Go to SALES ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the Customer Addresses feature.

Add different addresses to a quotation or sales order

If you select a customer with an invoice and delivery address set, KIU BMP will automatically use those. If there’s only one, KIU BMP will use that one for both but you can, of course, change it instantly and create a new one right from the quotation or sales order.

3.3.3. Get paid to confirm an order

You can use online payments to get orders automatically confirmed. Saving the time of both your customers and yourself.

Activate online payment

Go to SALES ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the Online Signature & Online Payment feature.

Once in the Payment Acquirers menu you can select and configure your acquirers of choice.

You can find various documentation about how to be paid with payment acquirers such as PaypalAuthorize.Net (pay by credit card), and others under the eCommerce documentation.


If you are using quotation templates, you can also pick a default setting for each template.

Register a payment

From the quotation email you sent, your customer will be able to pay online.

3.3.2. Increase your sales with suggested products

The use of suggested products is an attempt to offer related and useful products to your client. For instance, a client purchasing a cellphone could be shown accessories like a protective case, a screen cover, and headset.

Add suggested products to your quotation templates

Suggested products can be set on Quotation Templates.

Once on a template, you can see a Suggested Products tab where you can add related products or services.

You can also add or modify suggested products on the quotation.

Add suggested products to the quotation

When opening the quotation from the received email, the customer can add the suggested products to the order.

The product(s) will be instantly added to their quotation when clicking on any of the little carts.

Depending on your confirmation process, they can either digitally sign or pay to confirm the quotation.

Each move done by the customer to the quotation will be tracked in the sales order, letting the salesperson see it.

3.3.1. Use quotation templates

If you often sell the same products or services, you can save a lot of time by creating custom quotation templates. By using a template you can send a complete quotation in no time.


For this feature to work, go to Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate Quotations Templates.

Create your first template

You will find the templates menu under Sales ‣ Configuration.

You can then create or edit an existing one. Once named, you will be able to select the product(s) and their quantity as well as the expiration time for the quotation.

On each template, you can also specify discounts if the option is activated in the Sales settings. The base price is set in the product configuration and can be alterated by customer pricelists.

Use a quotation template

When creating a quotation, you can select a template.

Each product in that template will be added to your quotation.


You can select a template to be suggested by default in the Sales settings.

Confirm the quotation

Templates also ease the confirmation process for customers with a digital signature or online payment. You can select that in the template itself.

Every quotation will now have this setting added to it.

Of course you can still change it and make it specific for each quotation.