1.1. Overview about Kiu BMP

Kiu BMP helps companies manage and simplify their business processes.

Only 3% of the business owners we spoke to use accounting software or enterprise resource planning (BMP) systems. They needed it but existing options were too complicated and expensive. We have developed Kiu BMP which is simple, flexible, and affordable for all business.

Enterprise resource planning (BMP) systems help companies manage and simplify their business processes by tying everything together under a single database and interface. When every department or location has its own software and data sources, efficiency suffers. Complicated processes drain time and money. Multiple databases create confusion and duplication. Lack of visibility makes it hard to find and fix problems. An BMP system connects employees with the information they need to support customers, processes, and projects more effectively.

III. App

Only Supplier can log in to App to upload invoice, request loan via Cash in/IOU and follow Finance Requests.

Changing the password will build in the next version.

Log in screen Profile tab

Suppliers can upload invoices via App and it will automatically sync with Web-version. After clicking on “Upload invoice” Invoice uploaded from App will appear in My invoices tab in App or in Invoice tab in Web at “Confirmed” status. Invoice with Submitted state in My invoices tab will have “Cash in”/”IOU” button

Fill in Inv info & upload inv Invoice list

Click on the “Detail” button to see all information related to this invoice such as Anchor name, Supplier name, inv amount, inv due, and finance request history. Suppliers can also click on the Finance Request tab to check each FR with a filter by state. Cash in request will have a yellow note and IOU request will have green note.

Invoice detail Finance request list

8. How to clear FR

FI logs in Finance Requests > Repayment Request Invoices > Choose FR > Click to “Cleared” button to mark the Invoices as fully paid.

The system will change  FR’s status from Repayment Requested to Cleared, and the FR is moved to Cleared Invoices menu.

7. How to request repayment FR

After FI receives a request for loan repayment, FI goes to Finance Requests > Disbursed Invoices > Choose FR > Click to “Repay” button.

Repayment date will be updated automatically and state changes to Repayment requested.

Supplier will receive email notification about Repayment Invoice from FI Manager

6. How to disburse an Finance Request

a. Finance Request by Cash in

FI log in to system > Finance Requests menu > Requested Invoices tab > Choose FR that FI wants to check

FI has right to edit Loan information in FR

  • Requested amt = Cash in or IOU amt
  • Financed amt = automatically = Requested amt but FI can edit
  • Amount due = financed amt + interest amt (interest amt = financed amt * interest rate/100 * credit term/365)
  • Disbursed date = the day FI click to “Disburse”
  • Loan due date = disburse date + credit term

Whenever FI decides to approve FR, FI can click on the “Disburse” button.

FR status will change to “Disbursed” state and disbursed date is automatically updated.

Supplier will receive email notification about Disbursement Invoice from FI Manager

b. Finance Request by IOU

Steps for FI will be the same as Finance Request by Cash in but in Finance request by IOU, FI can see IOU button on the top right corner.

If FI edits the financed amount , IOU amount will be changed.

When FI clicks “Disburse” , Supplier will receive email notification about Disbursement Invoice as well as IOU recipient also receives IOU Issued mail notification.

After that, IOU recipient can log in the system. In IOU screen, they can see “Cash in” / “IOU” button.

  • IOU recipient can cash in/ IOU many times but can not exceed IOU amount.
  • IOU recipient who is created by Supplier can create new IOU recipients from IOU ROOT. Steps to activate new IOU recipient will be the same steps above by FI.
  • FI can check IOU history in the IOU history tab.
  • The IOU recipient who was created by a IOU recipient can only cash in/ IOU for themself and can not create new IOU recipient again.

5. How to create Finance Requests

a. “Cash in” option

Supplier log in system > Invoices tab > Choose which invoice has “Verifed” state.

In Invoice detail screen, “Cash in” and “IOU” are two options for supplier selection. Click on “Cash in” button.

New pop up will be shown. 

Cash in amount : ava

Click the “ Confirm” button, a warning message will show to be sure that a new finance request will be created and invoice status changes to “Submitted” state.

An email will be sent to FI that Supplier has submitted an invoice and created a finance request. FI needs to log in to the system to do the next steps.

Suppliers can click on “Cash in” many times and each time confirm cash in, there is a Finance request will be created.

b. IOU option

Supplier log in system > Invoices tab > Choose which invoice has “Verified” state. Click on the “IOU” button. New pop up will be shown for Suppliers to fill in Digital IOU information.

  • IOU Amount : similar to Cash in amount, this field will default as invoice amount multiplied by the financing percentage (set by FI in the supplier contact form), Supplier can revise it as long as the total amount of cash in and iou is not exceeded invoice amt.
  • IOU recipient : Supplier can choose existing IOU recipients or create a new one by clicking arrow icon
  • Address/ Mobile/Email address will automatically appear whenever IOU recipient chosen.

Click “Confirm” then a new finance request will be created.

On the top right corner, FI and Supplier can see a shortcut to go IOU list.

An email will be sent to FI that Supplier has submitted an invoice and created a finance request as well as if a new IOU recipient is created, FI also receives an email notification about new IOU recipient onboarding.

FI needs to log in to the system to do the next steps.

Firstly, FI checks IOU recipient information and then “Active” this account by going to Contact > Choose Anchor > Choose IOU recipient tab.

Click on “Active”

IOU recipients will receive a Welcome email and Password reset link via recognized email.

At this time, new IOU recipients can log in and see the IOU tab. However, before FI disburses this Finance Request by IOU, they can not do anything in here.

4. How to verify or reject an Invoice

Whenever Anchor receives an email notification, they can log in to Finance Invoices Dashboard > Invoices tab > Check invoice shown on “Confirmed” state.

Note that: Anchors can only see the invoices of their suppliers, not the invoices of other anchors.

Select the invoice Anchor want to confirm, check invoice information, click “Verify” button to confirm Invoice

Status bar will move to “Verified” state as well as Supplier will receive email notification that their Invoice has been confirmed and get ready for the next steps.

Anchor also can cancel this invoice by choosing the “Reject” button. This invoice will move to “Cancelled” state.

Supplier also receives email notification about cancellation.

3. How to upload invoices

Supplier log in to the system. Go to Invoices menu > Create

  • Anchor/ Supplier name will be filled in by system
  • Invoice due date: Payment date
  • Submission date: The date when supplier clicks on “Validate” button to submit to Anchor
  • Attachments: Suppliers can upload images and files from their device.

Click “Save” to keep this invoice in “Draft” state. “Confirm” button will show on.

After checking invoice information, suppliers can submit this invoice to Anchor by clicking the “Confirm” button.

Status bar now moves to “Confirmed” state and Anchor will receive email notification from the system that Invoice is sent to Anchor for verification & confirmation.